What is Fast Fashion and why we need a Revolution
On the 24th of April 2013, the Rana Plaza garment factory collapsed in Bangladesh, killing over 1,100 innocent people . This was the start of the Fashion Revolution . Today was the first day of the #FashRev week (23rd - 29th of April). Every year from then on, the movement has been gaining momentum, as more and more people become aware of the consequences behind purchasing 'fast fashion'. But what do I mean by that term? Back in the day, designers used to produce collections for two seasons a year (Spring/Summer, Autumn/Winter - makes sense, right? ). However, nowadays high street stores have new stock pilling onto their shelves and crowding their rails every week. That's 52 'seasons' - a hella laaat! How unnecessary. Think about it for a second: do you really need that many clothes? The simple answer is no. Yet we see no reason to question whether or not to buy, or who to buy from. That is until you read this article ( I'd hope ). ...